Friday 30 September 2011

Tian Xiang in Wealth

Translated from here.

The person has a lifetime of good money luck. Wealth and money enters unceasingly. The native is moreover partial to gained knowledge and experience of how to manage finances. The individual is able to turn one into two. Having to handle much money or dealing with large enterprises, the person takes to 整理 zhěnglǐ = to put in order, to straighten out, to organise. There is the materialisation of 井井有條 jǐngjǐngyǒutiáo = in perfect order; systematic, methodical, well-arranged.

Tian Xiang and Zi Wei: The native is of the ability to save and store up money. The individual has good money luck. There is the instance of 名利雙收 mínglìshuāngshōu = to gain both honour and money; to achieve both fame and fortune.

Tian Xiang and Wu Qu: There is plenty of money and wealth. Riches and wealth are top-notch and first-class.

Tian Xiang and Lian Zhen: Much wealth is in storage.

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