Sunday 20 November 2011

Wu Qu in Happiness

Translated from here.

The person is irascible, impatient, stubborn and obstinate. Therefore, the native has a lifetime of much hard work and little harvest and gain. There is even the instance of 事倍功半 shìbèigōngbàn = twice the effort with half the result. Consequently it is very difficult coming across days of merriment and happiness.

Wu Qu # Lu: During his or her later years the individual won't lack money.

Wu Qu # Quan: When old the person has wealth in the palm of his or her hand. There is... [?].

Wu Qu # Ke: During his or her later years the native possesses money and wealth. The individual is able to take care of his or her children.

Wu Qu # Ji: When old the person is suspicious, mistrustful and oversensitive. He or she lacks a sense of security and a feeling of being safe.

Wu Qu and Tian Fu: When young the native has to toil and subsist in hardship; to maintain life in difficulty; to scratch out a difficult, meagre existence. The individual's later years will be calm, quiet, peaceful, the person being able to live in ease and comfort.

Wu Qu and Tan Lang: When young the native has to labour and toil with both mind and body. The later years are easy and comfortable.

Wu Qu and Tian Xiang: Middle-aged the individual has days being not too bad and there is ease and comfort.

Wu Qu and Qi Sha: Life and living is not quiet and stable and calm and orderly. The person becomes exhausted both mentally and physically. His or her share of good fortune and happiness is small.

Wu Qu and Po Jun: The native's lot of happiness and good fortune is small and shallow. The individual does not come across peace and rest. Although his or her later years can be tranquil and calm.

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