Sunday 20 November 2011

Ju Men in Property

Translated from here.

The Ju Men star betokens 口 kǒu = the mouth. Therefore when this star is in the Property palace the native should guard against quarrelling right and wrong what with real estate and property.

Ju Men # Lu: The individual may have a house with a huge kitchen and dining room.

Ju Men # Quan: In his or her house the person appreciates the issuing forth of ideas, opinions, suggestions, objections, etc.

Ju Men # Ji: The native should pay attention to the extent of harmony in the household.

Ju Men and Tian Ji: In Mao: The individual is able to hold on to family property. In You: The person isn't able to conserve family property. First there is much property, afterwards little.

Ju Men and Tai Yang: First the native lacks property, afterwards he or she has it. In Yin: Property thrives. In Shen: The individual has to rely on his or her own abilities and strength to acquire real estate and property.

Ju Men and Tian Tong: There isn't much real estate and property.

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