Sunday 20 November 2011

Tan Lang in Happiness

Translated from here.

The person's lot of good fortune and happiness is small and faint. If Tan Lang is the only major star in this palace and there are no lucky stars present, certainly there won't be joy and pleasure for the individual to enjoy.

Thus... [?].

If Tan Lang is alone in this palace and there aren't any lucky stars present, even if there is longevity, the native has a lifetime of hard work; to work with both one's mind and body.

Tan Lang # Lu: The native has longevity. He or she is healthy; to be in a good condition.

Tan Lang # Quan: During his or her later years the person has a fortuitous knack for getting to eat excellent food; to have luck and good timing when tasty food is involved. Also, when old the individual enters a brothel.

Tan Lang # Ji: When old the the native should beware a kidney disease, and impotence. In the case of the horoscope of a woman she ought to take note of gynaecological issues.

Tan Lang and Zi Wei: The person's early years are exhaustive and laborious, and there isn't happiness and good luck to be enjoyed. During his or her later years individual can have good fortune and happiness. He or she can have a good life.

Tan Lang and Wu Qu: When young the native has to labour and toil with both body and mind. The later years are comfortable and easy.

Tan Lang and Lian Zhen: The person's share of good fortune and happiness is small. The individual has to labour and toil with both mind and body, life and living meaning tribulations, deep distress, misery, hardship.

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