Tuesday 17 May 2011

Keywords for the stars in the cycle charts

Translated from here.

紫微 Zi Wei

財利: wealth and profit, riches

考試: to take an exam; examinations, tests

事業: undertaking, project, activity, career, occupation, profession

名譽: fame, reputation, honour

夫運: to do with husband

天機 Tian Ji

交際: communication, social intercourse; to socialise, to engage in social functions

宗教: religion

名譽: reputation, honour, fame

考試: to take an exam; tests, examinations

健康: health, physique, fitness; healthy, fit, sound

太陽 Tai Yang

事業: career, occupation, profession, project, activity, undertaking

住宅: residence, dwelling, house, tenement

財物: property, belongings

名譽: fame, repute, honour, reputation

夫運: to do with husband

武曲 Wu Qu

財利: riches, wealth and profit

刃傷: injury or wound due to the edge of a blade

健康: fitness, health, physique; healthy, wholesome, fit

旅行: travel, journey, trip

天同 Tian Tong

交際: social intercourse, communication; to engage in social functions

合夥: to act jointly, to form a partnership

健康: physique, fitness, health; sound, wholesome, fit, healthy

夫妻: man and wife, husband and wife

色情: sex, eroticism, pornography

廉貞 Lian Zhen

事業: profession, career, occupation, activities, undertaking, project

夫妻: husband and wife

疾病: disease, ailment, sickness

官非: lawsuit

財利: riches, wealth, profit

色情: sex, pornography, eroticism

天府 Tian Fu

工作: work, job, employment, practice, situation; to work, operate, labour, practise

財利: wealth and riches, profit

恆產: immovable property, residence, real estate

太陰 Tai Yin

妻運: to do with wife

母運: to do with mother

財利: profit and wealth and riches

恆產: immovable property, residence, real estate

田宅: field, farm, residence

貪狼 Tan Lang

財利: wealth and riches, profit

夫妻: husband and wife, man and wife

健康: healthy, fit, wholesome; physique, fitness, health

色情: sex, eroticism, pornography

巨門 Ju Men

是非: quarrelling

財利: wealth and riches, profit

健康: health, physique, fitness; sound, fit, healthy

天相 Tian Xiang

工作: work, job, employment, practice, situation; to work, operate, labour, practise

夫運: to do with husband

學問: learning, knowledge, scholarship, wisdom, letters, erudition; systematic learning, a branch of knowledge, know-how

天梁 Tian Liang

旅行: travel, trip, journey

健康: healthy, fit, sound; fitness, physique, health

學問: learning, knowledge, scholarship, wisdom, letters, erudition; systematic learning, a branch of knowledge, know-how

交際: communication, social intercourse, social functions; to socialise

七殺 Qi Sha

工作: work, job, employment, practice, situation; to work, operate, labour, practise

健康; fitness, physique, health; healthy, sound, fit

傷害: harm, hurt, injury, wound, maul

破軍 Po Jun

工作: work, job, employment, practice, situation; to work, operate, labour, practise

健康: healthy, sound, fit, wholesome; physique, fitness

傷害: wound, injury, maul, hurt, harm

財利: wealth and riches, profit

火鈴 Huo Xing and Ling Xing

財利: profit, riches and wealth

健康: health, fitness, physique; fit, wholesome, sound, healthy

昌曲 Wen Chang and Wen Qu

科名: scholarly honours, rank obtained in imperial examinations

學問: learning, knowledge, scholarship, wisdom, letters, erudition; systematic learning, a branch of knowledge, know-how

羊陀 Qing Yang and Tuo Luo

傷害: harm, hurt, maul, injury, wound

工作: work, job, employment, practice, situation; to work, operate, labour, practise

爭執: disagree, dispute, argue opinionatedly, wrangle

疾病: ailment, sickness, disease

魁鉞 Tian Kui and Tian Yue

工作: work, job, employment, practice, situation; to work, operate, labour, practise

名譽: honour, reputation, fame

左右 Zuo Fu and You Bi

工作: work, job, employment, practice, situation; to work, operate, labour, practise

名譽: fame, reputation, honour

空劫 Di Kong and Di Jie

財失: loss of money, wealth, riches

健康: fit, healthy, wholesome; physique, fitness

驛馬 Tian Ma

旅遊: trip, journey; a tour, tourism, travels

財利: money, wealth, riches, profit

化忌 Hua Ji

是非: quarrelling

傷害: wound, harm, maul, hurt, injury

疾厄: adversity to do with disease or sickness

天喜 Tian Xi

喜慶: festivities, a joyous event, jubilation

老年血災: when old, blood calamity

紅鸞 Hong Luan

喜慶: a joyous event, jubilation, festivities

老年血災: when old, blood adversity

天姚 Tian Yao

色情: eroticism, sex, pornography

疾病: sickness, disease, ailment

白虎 Bai Hu

血光: blood wound

疾厄: difficulty to do with sickness or disease

天刑 Tian Xing

官非: legal proceedings, lawsuit

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