Thursday 23 April 2015

Keywords for the minor stars

Translated from here.

A short summary of the minor stars

祿存 Lu Cun
貴壽: Rank, wealth, and long life.

財祿: To take an official post and get rich.

食祿: To draw government pay; the salary of an official.

福壽: Happiness and longevity.

解厄制化: To dissolve and remove adversity and distress.

孤: Illustrious and distinguished; title of aristocracy.

天馬 Tian Ma

遷動: Change and movement; to set in motion, to alter.

異動: [?].

遷移: To migrate, to move.

財富: Wealth and riches.

驛馬: Post horse.

搬遷: To relocate.

左輔 Zuo Fu
行善令: To do good works, to be merciful.

個性善良: Kind-hearted personality.

無能的好人: Upright and good person who is... [?].

右弼 You Bi
司制令: To be in charge of.

助力: Help, assistance; a helping hand.

文昌 Wen Chang
信件: Letter.

書: Book, documents.

文貴: [?].

斯文: Cultured, refined, polite, gentle, educated, intellectual.

氣質: Elegance, grace, poise.

文曲 Wen Qu
口才: Eloquence.

文雅: Refined, elegant.

桃花: Peach blossom.

聰明: Intelligent, bright, smart, clever.

才藝: Talent, ability.

科甲: Imperial examinations.

天魁 Tian Kui
天乙貴人: Male guiren.

天鉞 Tian Yue
玉堂貴人: Female guiren.

火星 Huo Xing
破壞: Destruction, damage; to break, destroy, wreck.

剛暴: Hard, firm, strong, sudden, violent, cruel, fierce, ruthless.

急躁: Irritable, impetuous, irascible.

鈴星 Ling Xing
固執: Stubborn, obstinate.

恨事: A matter for regret or resentment; to be sorry that.

驚嚇: To frighten, terrify, horrify.

擎羊 Qing Yang
粗暴: Rough, cruel.

殘忍: Mean, merciless.

刑傷: Punishment and injury, wound.

殺傷力: Killing or wounding power of a weapon.

陀羅 Tuo Luo
是非: Quarrelling.

殘忍: Cruel, ruthless, mean, merciless.

勇敢: Brave, courageous.

蹉跎: Wasted time; to take a wrong step in life.

地空 Di Kong
破壞: Destruction, damage; to break, destroy, wreck.

多災: Much calamity, disaster.

空亡: Kong Wang.

聰明: Intelligent, bright, smart, clever.

幻想: Delusion, fantasy.

多孤僧道: Much loneliness; the path of a monk.

地劫 Di Jie
破壞: Destruction, damage; to break, destroy, wreck.

劫入: [?].

破失: [?].

化祿 Hua Lu
財祿: To take an official post and get rich.

食祿: To draw government pay; the salary of an official.

緣分: Predestined affinity, fate or chance that brings people together.

貴人: Guiren.

口才智慧: Eloquence and knowledge, wisdom, intelligence.

喜付出: [?].

增加: To raise, to add, to increase.

化權 Hua Quan
權勢: Power, influence.

剛強: Firm, unyielding.

權力慾: Desire for authority, position, and influence.

霸道: Despotic rule; overbearing; tyranny.

積極: Energetic, active, vigorous.

化科 Hua Ke
應試: To take an exam.

斯文: Cultured, refined, polite, gentle, educated, intellectual.

貴人: Guiren.

功名: Achievement, fame, glory, scholarly honour.

溫柔文雅: Gentle/soft/tender and elegant/refined.

忠實和順: Faithful and sweet-tempered.

化忌 Hua Ji
嫉妒: To be jealous, to envy, to hate.

災悔: Disaster, catastrophe; bad luck, calamitous, wretched.

意外: Accident, mishap.

固執: Stubborn, obstinate.

口舌是非: Dispute or misunderstanding caused by gossip; to quarrel.

計較: To haggle, bicker, argue.

欠缺: Lapse, deficiency.

擔心: Worried, anxious, uneasy; to worry, to be anxious.

紅鸞 Hong Luan
婚姻喜慶: Jubilation and festivities what with a wedding, marriage.

添丁: To add a son to the family.

風流: Romantic, dissolute, loose; talented in letters and unconventional in life style.

愛面子: Proud of one's reputation, to worry about losing face, sensitive about losing prestige.

喜裝扮: To be fond of dressing up.

聰明秀麗: Intelligent/bright/smart/clever and pretty/beautiful.

天喜 Tian Xi
婚姻喜慶: Festivities and jubilation what with a marriage, wedding.

添丁: To add a son to the family.

風流: Romantic, dissolute, loose; talented in letters and unconventional in life style.

愛面子: To worry about losing face, sensitive about losing prestige, proud of one's reputation.

喜裝扮: To enjoy dressing up.

活潑好動: Lively/brisk/active and energetic/restless.

天刑 Tian Xing
刑夭: [?].

孤獨: Loneliness; to live alone; isolated and without help.

性躁: Hot-tempered, impatient.

火災: Fire (that burns buildings, etc.).

孤傲: Antisocial/reclusive and arrogant/haughty/proud.

天姚 Tian Yao
桃花: Peach blossom.

外向: Extroverted; optimistic, cheerful; to enjoy social interaction.

輕浮: Frivolous, careless, giddy.

風流: Romantic, dissolute, loose; talented in letters and unconventional in life style.

虛榮: Vain.

天哭 Tian Ku
是非: Quarrelling.

刑剋: [?].

憂傷: Distressed, laden with grief.

鬱悶: Gloomy, depressed.

消極孤僻: Passive/inactive and antisocial/reclusive/eccentric.

思想灰色: Dispirited/pessimistic thoughts/thinking.

天虛 Tian Xu
虛耗: To waste, squander; to use up/consume in vain.

空亡: Kong Wang.

憂傷: Distressed, laden with grief.

虛冷: [?].

欺瞞吹噓: Deceive/hoodwink and... [?].

飄盪不定: To drift/float/flutter and not settled/decided.

孤辰 Gu Chen
孤獨: Loneliness; to live alone; isolated and without help.

孤寒: Alone and poor; miserly.

固執: Stubborn, obstinate.

不近情理: Unreasonable.

消極: Inactive, passive.

自以為是: To believe oneself infallible, to be opinionated.

寡宿 Gua Su
孤獨: Loneliness; to live alone; isolated and without help.

孤寒: Alone and poor; miserly.

固執: Stubborn, obstinate.

不近情理: Unreasonable.

消極: Inactive, passive.

自以為是: To believe oneself infallible, to be opinionated.

華蓋 Gua Hai
威儀: Majestic presence, awe-inspiring manner.

文章: Literary works, writings, article, essay.

科名: Scholarly honours, rank obtained in the imperial examinations.

宗教: Religion.

孤芳自賞: A lone flower admiring itself.

破碎 Po Sui
損耗不全: Wear and tear and not whole.

不合群: Not conforming to group/crowd/flock.

不專一: Unfocused; not single-minded.

拖延: To procrastinate, to delay, to put off.

孤寒: Alone and poor; miserly.

勞碌: Exhaustion.

多敗: Much that is damaged, withered.

多是非: Much quarrelling.

陰煞 Yin Sha
小人: Xiaoren, individual of low social status, nasty person, vile character.

邪祟: Evil spirit.

猜疑: To suspect, to have misgivings; suspicious.

嫉妒: To be jealous, to envy, to hate.

惡夢: Nightmare.

陰沉毒辣: Gloomy/overcast and cruel/sinister/vicious.

做惡事: To do evil, a malicious deed.

暗疾: A disease one is ashamed of, unmentionable disease.

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