Wednesday 31 December 2014

The minor stars and the 12 palaces

Translated from here.

Whether the stars are lucky or inauspicious in the various palaces

Wen Chang/Wen Qu

大吉 very lucky/auspicious: Ming, Travel, Friends/Servants, Career, Happiness and Virtue

小吉 lucky/favourable: Siblings, Spouse, Children, Wealth, Health, Property, Parents

average: -

inauspicious: -

Zuo Fu/You Bi

大吉 very lucky/auspicious: Ming, Siblings, Travel, Friends/Servants, Career, Happiness and Virtue

小吉 lucky/favourable: Children, Wealth, Health, Property, Parents

average: Spouse

inauspicious: -

Tian Kui/Tian Yue

大吉 very lucky/auspicious: Ming, Siblings, Spouse, Children, Health, Travel, Friends/Servants, Career, Happiness and Virtue, Parents

小吉 lucky/favourable: Wealth, Property

average: -

inauspicious: -

Huo Xing/Ling Xing

大吉 very lucky/auspicious: -

小吉 lucky/favourable: Health

average: Ming, Siblings, Spouse, Wealth, Travel, Friends/Servants, Career, Property, Happiness and Virtue

inauspicious: Children, Parents

Qing Yang/Tuo Luo

大吉 very lucky/auspicious: -

小吉 lucky/favourable: -

average: Ming, Wealth, Travel, Career, Property, Happiness and Virtue

inauspicious: Siblings, Spouse, Children, Health, Friends/Servants, Parents

Di Kong/Di Jie

大吉 very lucky/auspicious: -

小吉 lucky/favourable: -

average: -

inauspicious: Ming, Siblings, Spouse, Children, Wealth, Travel, Friends/Servants, Career, Property, Happiness and Virtue, Parents

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