Sunday 24 October 2010

Ming with the palace branches

Translated from here.

子 Zi

The individual is emotional and sentimental. He or she is good at communication, social niceties, social interaction.

The person is partial to 言過其實 yán​guò​qí​shí = to exaggerate and overstate the facts; to turn geese into swans.

The native with Ming in the branch-Zi palace is fond of being together with like-minded people discussing and talking, siding with learning and knowledge.

The individual is creative. And meets with peach blossom.

丑 Chou

The native puts him- or herself in the centre. The person tends toward 隨心所欲 suí​xīn​suǒ​yù = to do as one pleases; to follow one's heart's desires.

The person with Ming in Chou is fond of using a haughty and proud attitude teaching other people a lesson.

This palace position is indicative of 孤獨 gū​dú = loneliness; lonely, solitary.

When young it is appropriate for the individual to leave the home/family and go to other parts of the country than where he or she is born, or a foreign land, and there obtain development and growth.

The native exaggerates his or her own importance. The person is fond of accomplishing things.

寅 Yin

The person is soft-hearted. The individual is not able to stay idle and unoccupied.

There is the occasion of 自尋煩惱 zì​xún​fán​nǎo = to bring trouble on oneself; to worry oneself for nothing; to borrow trouble.

Ming in Yin facilitates a fate/destiny suggestive of exhaustion and toil.

The native is enthusiastic and fervent.

He or she likes taking risks and chances; adventure.

The person is fond of seeking short-cuts attaining a goal.

The individual does not enjoy being restricted and constrained.

The native is of a vivacious, brisk, and active temperament. The individual's style of conversation makes a profound and deep impression.

卯 Mao

The individual is fond of helping other people. There is... [?].

The person of branch-Mao is oversensitive, jumpy, and nervous. Each and every trivial matter becomes a dispute.

The native gets angry; to lose one's temper; to work oneself into a rage.

The individual is fond of making friends and doing stuff together with others; to have friendly relationships.

Mao is moreover a peach blossom palace.

辰 Chen

The person with Ming in Chen is impatient, short-tempered, and hot-headed. The individual is of a no good temper. The native is of powerful capabilities.

The person appreciates mediating disputes; to make peace and reconcile.

He or she takes steps and measures to bring about balance and equilibrium.

The individual is fond of the easy and comfortable. The native fears labour and toil. The person loves dressing up.

It is appropriate for the individual leaving the home or family early to go to other parts of the country than where he or she is born, or a foreign land, to seek accomplishment and success.

巳 Si

The native attends to his or her family, looking after the home. In thought and thinking, the person is a bit extreme.

The individual is fond of 吹毛求疵 chuī​máo​qiú​cī = to blow apart the hairs upon a fur to discover any defects; to be fastidious; to nitpick.

The native is careful and scrupulous.

With Ming in this palace there is the case of 積小成大 jīxiǎochéngdà =  many little things add up to something great; many a mickle makes a muckle.

The person tends toward 自尋煩惱 zì​xún​fán​nǎo = to bring trouble on oneself; to torture oneself with unpleasant thoughts; to bring vexation on oneself.

The individual emphasises the small, losing the big; to lose the ship for a half-penny worth of tar.

The native is keenly perceptive, possessing an acute power of observation, and has a strong ability to analyse.

Ming in the branch-Si palace points to a fate/destiny indicative of exhaustion and toil.

午 Wu

The person is amiable and easy-going. He or she does not possess vim and vigour.

The native tends toward 高傲 gāo​'ào =  noble and virtuous; aloof from politics and material pursuits; arrogant, haughty, conceited.

The individual with Ming in Wu does not enjoy asking other people for help. Nevertheless, he or she is still able to take care of and show consideration for others.

未 Wei

The person is of a strong and unyielding personality. The native is principled.

He or she does not easily accept other people's ideas and opinions.

What with relatives and member's of one's family, the Ming in Wei person takes to shielding shortcomings or faults; to cover up errors.

The individual is extreme in both happiness and hate.

申 Shen

In speech and talking the native is straightforward and frank. There are pretty good relations with the spouse.

Now and then the individual is brimming with confidence. At other times the person is self-contradictory.

The native is of an outstanding ability to grasp ideas. The individual is liable to... [?].

The person easily becomes absorbed with some kind of hobby or fondness.

Marrying late is appropriate.

Ming in branch-Shen means a fate/destiny indicative of toil and exhaustion.

酉 You

The native is warm-hearted, enthusiastic, and ardent. The individual is partial to 擇善固執 zé​shàn​gù​zhí = to choose what is good and holding fast to it. The person easily offends other people.

The native appreciates visiting various scenic spots; to travel from one beauty spot to another; to go on a scenic tour.

He or she is fond of serene environments, tranquil surroundings.

The individual is kind-hearted and good-natured.

The person is partial to reality and what's actual and real.

When disappointed or frustrated, the native is able to comfort him- or herself; to console oneself; to reassure oneself.

戌 Xu

When Ming is in Xu the individual tends toward 自怨自艾 zì​yuàn​zì​yì = to be full of remorse; to repent and redress one's errors. In his or her heart/mind there are a million knots.

Meeting with an upset or provocation, at once the person becomes discouraged and downhearted.

The native does not bother with talking nonsense. He or she does not take to angry speech.

The person dislikes... [?].

The individual is of a willingness to be of help to the weak and feeble.

亥 Hai

The person has pretty good relations with people. He or she... [?].

The person with Ming in Hai is emotional and sensitive, being sentimental and melancholy and moody. The individual does easily shed tears.

The native is fond of enjoying success and accomplishments with friends and relatives.

The person is soft-hearted.

The individual is very self-forgiving.

Treating others the native is cordial and enthusiastic.

Ming in Hai enables a fate/destiny suggestive of toil and exhaustion.

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